Thursday, April 9, 2009

The 11 Forgotten Laws/ Bob Proctor, Mary Morrissey

Continuing on, with a review of some Great Teachers, and their products, I've found one I really enjoy and reccomend.
I have had this study program for a couple of months now, and have been very impressed with the course, the teachers and the value. This is something which you can get your hands on and really work with. "The Secret" as Bob Proctor tells, introduced many to The Law of Attraction in a big way, and really opened some eyes and minds for those interested already, and for those who had never really thought about it very much.
Bob, however, along with many of the other teachers point out that this was just the beginning. Thousands of people around the world were delighted with the results in their personal lives through the application of what they had learned, and passed enthusiastic feedback to the Teachers and their friends. And many other thousands revealed that despite the impact the movie had upon them and their keen interest in the law of attraction, that they just didn't seem to be experiencing the results they had hoped for in their lives.
Bob, who has devoted over 40 years of his life to the study of these laws, and carries Raymond Holiwell's book "Working with the Laws" with him wherever he goes is one of the world's top speakers on the subject is quick to point out that "The Secret" is just the tip of the iceberg. He feels that there are really more laws within the law of attraction, which he calls The 11 Forgotten Laws, and refers to Holiwell's book, in fact using this material extensively in this course of study. So once again one Teacher has passed along his knowledge to another who is now sharing that with the many who are interested and ready for the information.
What Bob says is that "The Secret" was the vehicle we had been looking for, but we had to look elsewhere for the owners manual. In order to use it properly and get the results from it we are looking for we have to get a hold of this information, and then study it, and put it to use. Otherwise, how can we expect it to work for us, unless we understand it, and apply what we have learned. Take some kind of action. And this is what Bob and Mary are giving us through this course. And a whole lot more in the form of free resources and bonuses as well.
The content of the course is available online immediately after purchase and by logging into the members area is available for instant use. It is easy to navigate throughout the site, and user friendly. Indepth audio downloads of several hours cover the eleven laws in detail, and pass along the tools needed to apply the principles in our daily lives.
The laws in connection with the Law of Attraction in Holiwell's book are the laws of:


In Holiwell's book he teaches that these are Universal laws, and are as consistent and powerful as the laws we are accustomed to in our physical world, such as the law of gravity. It is impossible to not be affected by the law of gravity here on earth, and it is always in action, never turned off, and works in the same way EVERY time. We are aware of this law and either use it to our advantage and respect it's power, as getting on the wrong side of the law can cause us considerable grief or even death. Holiwell, amongst countless other teachers through the ages truly believe that the law of attraction is equally present, as powerful, and exists within the energy of which everything is ultimately comprised. And that it is responsible for the manifestation of EVERYTHING in our lives, no exceptions, and which is drawn to us as physical manifestation of our thoughts and especially, feelings or vibrational energy around our thoughts. So, as with the law of gravity, it can be worked with for our best benefit, or can work on us in ways we don't really want depending on the thoughts we focus upon most. As with a cystal chandelier, which will vibrate to the same frequency as a musical instument, resonating on the same frequency, Holiwell is assured we attract similar energy to us as is resonating within us. For most of us, we readily accept the existence of something we can intrepet with our 5 senses. The results of law of gravity can be seen and accepted by us easily, however these other laws cannot, unless we open our minds and accept the origin of the results we achieve. Most of us are used to accepting success and good fortune as products of "good luck", or "hard work", good genetics or circumstance. This is easy for us, and comes naturally but Holiwell, and the others firmly believe their are no accidents or coincidences when it comes to the law of attraction, as in nature, and we attract it all. Through our thinking, ingrained beliefs, and feelings which make up our inner vibration and is picked up as a message by the energy existent at all times in the universe. Bob Proctor and Mary Morrissey guide us through the teachings of Holiwell, and combined with their own vast experience take us on a journey through the additional laws.
In addition to the main substance of the course, Holiwell's book is available as a free download, and additional bonuses include a similar product, "The Prosperity Program", by The American Monk, and "Manifest like a Millionaire, The Silva Mind Centering Audio", and a free trial to "Finer Minds", which offers access to the latest in the self improvement field. Unannounced bonuses include "Mind Movies" an incredible video visualization tool, and "The Irrestible Offer" one of the top ten books available on internet marketing. The value of the bonuses are worth several hundred dollars alone. As well as this, The 11 Forgotten Laws offers free membership to their affiliate marketing program for those interested, along with all the tools to get one started.
In Summary, I have found incredible value in this package, and admire and respect the people involved for what they are offering and what they have to share with the rest of us. I believe they offer the tools for each of us to improve our lives exponentially. I'm feeling and seeing the results of the these laws in my life, and excited to bring more good into my life. I hope others will find the same.
In the end though one needs to have a look themself and for those interested in this I am including a link;


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