Monday, April 6, 2009

The Great Teachers- The Law of Attraction

Great teachers have been around throughout the ages, allowing the priviledge to the countless of becoming privy to their knowledge and findings, using their knowledge for the benefit of not only themselves, but passing it along to others as well. Passed through the generations, great secrets and discoveries have been able to make their way into the hands of those fortunate enough to receive them. And in times past, when the world must have seemed a much larger place, with the distance covered between villages travelled in days, or maybe weeks, possibly months even instead of hours the knowledge of the teachers might have spread to only a few of the lucky ones over long periods of time. Were they really just lucky, perhaps in the right place at the right time? Or might there have been something else involved? The great teachers of the day, in these modern times of amazing growth and expansion in the world are suggesting exactly that. That there is something else to it, more than just luck and circumstance, or rather that these do exist but it is we, ourselves, each and everyone of us that is actually the creator of both of them and a whole lot more. In fact they even suggest that we are the creators of practically everything that comes our way. And the interesting thing is that every day more and more people are becoming very interested in what they are saying. Another very interesting thought is that a great deal of what they are telling us can be backed up scientifically.

What I am referring to now, lies in the field of awareness and discovering ourselves more deeply, delving more beneath the surface layer of daily life, long conditioning and old time habits and beliefs. We are all used to relating to and being subject to the various laws which affect us physically and socially, however there are great teachers amongst us today who are now bringing us towards a greater realization and understanding of some other very profound and powerful laws, for those willing to allow an open mind, or perhaps are ready for or interested in such knowledge and contemplation. The Laws they are referring to, hold such power and potential, according to what they are saying, that they would make any laws we are familiar with here on Earth seem like child's play. They are The Laws of Attraction.

It is during the last few years, since the release of the movie "The Secret", that the Law of Attraction and the teachers featured have become much more well known, to say the least. The beautiful thing about these times, with our technology amongst us is that things don't have to remain a Secret forever, known only to few. Great ideas and knowledge, moved with fantastic marketing, and sophisticated media can reach a huge percentage of the world population in a very short time. And then of course, the old way of word of mouth, and the personal touch does the rest.

In previous centuries such teachers would have been prudent in their efforts as an unpopular suggestion may have involved some very uncomfortable consequences to put things mildly, and possibly even some decades ago such talk maybe scorned, or laughed upon, not worthy of consideration. It seems that now however, a corner has been turned, and a quickly increasing number of people worldwide are hungry and ready for knowledge in the area of personal growth, and awareness. Never before has so much information been readily available, and along with the growing interest, the teachers as well. And there are a number of very talented and incredible people among them. I'm sure that it would be an understatement to say that hundreds of thousands throughout the world have experienced incredible benefit and results in their lives, through the priviledge of hearing them speak, attending seminars, online courses, or maybe simply audio and video means. I know I have, and although I haven't yet attended a live seminar, I look forward to it at one point.

If one is interested in such things, and deep down I'm willing to bet we all are, there is profound liberation to be found in these teachings and this knowledge. I don't think there's anyone who's sat around the campfire, with a sky full of stars and not found themselves in a conversation with regards to "what it's all about". Eventually it leads to all kind of things, the scope is pretty mind boggling. The great thing about what some of these folks are saying and passing along is that although nothing comes for free,and there is always some effort involved in change, huge results in our lives are available to anyone willing to open their mind and do "the inner work" towards attracting the best life that they can have. That's everyone, regardless of "circumstances", or past events.

What they are saying about the laws of attraction are that they are always at work and always our servant. That they are available to us like the air we breath. Sounds pretty simple and in fact they say as much, so why all the teaching and knowledge?, one might ask. Well, it seems they work according to our thoughts, and feelings, which seem to very often be quite contrary to what we really want or is best for us. That seems a bit silly, and not so but according to them on the average we have about 60,000 thoughts each day, and low and behold about 90 percent of them are the same ones we had the day before. And to top that off, an embarassing majority of them tend to be negative. And, being creatures of habit, and due outdated survival instincts, which once served us well, we tend to feel safe somehow in hanging on to them.

I've always been interested somewhat in this area, and find myself more so as time goes along. I've read many pages written by some very interesting and inspirational people in the past, and some ideas click within me, while I let others go. Since "The Secret", I've had the opportunity to come across more information and have had the chance to listen to some new teachers and their way of passing their knowledge along. As internet marketing is the best means of getting their information out there, and so many of us are connected now, it's not suprising I was able to find an absolute wealth of information online. Not being a real computer type I found myself hesitant, and like many others just a bit gun shy of scams online, and it was a while before I purchased anything, and only after several "drive by's". I tried to find good reviews, and some feedback, which was good and bad, as one thing I did find out is like anything else in life, everyone has an opinion, and there are no shortage of people willing to badmouth someone, and cry scam on just about anything out there. I've bought products which I absolutely love, and after buying ended up with free unanounced bonuses that really impressed me, and then seen information that suggested it was a scam. Worth every penny and more, and in a lot of ways priceless, for the value in one's life. For 97 dollars the hours of audio, listening to some amazing and very succesful people, who are at the top of their game in this field was an incredible deal. Not to mention the ebooks and other bonuses, unexpected after purchasing. About 30 cents a day for something that has definitely changed my life for the better already, and guaranteed for a year, keep the material at the end, if it isn't for me. If that's a scam, I hope I find another one soon.

As I've covered more ground than expected for one post, I plan on continuing in the next one, as would like to pass along a review of some of the great material and teachers, whose products I have purchased recently. There are some beautiful products out there.

Cheers for now.

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