Tuesday, April 7, 2009

More on The Great Teachers-Attraction

Some of the great teachers featured in "The Secret" are Bob Proctor, John Assaraf, Lisa Nichols, T. Harv Eker, and Jack Canfield, amongst others. I have picked up a learning program, featuring these speakers and offered through my membership in Finer Minds which came as a bonus with one of Bob Proctor's other learning programs. A set of 6 audio CD and DVD's, provide several hours with each speaker, during a live conference. Each of these people are masters in their own right and own way and definitely at the top of their game. What I like about these people is that are very, very succesfull and wealthy, and obviously not short when it comes to the depth of their financial resouces, however they continue to speak publicly all the time, as well as develop continually within their field. They have a passion in that which they do, and in helping others to help themselves discover and use the laws of attraction. They don't need the money. They have attracted it already into their lives, and realize it is lovely in itself, and the freedom it brings, but teach and give to others, and walk the path of that which they are wanting to pass along.

As they point out, "The Secret" was only the beginning. It was a catalyst of sorts which vastly increased awareness into the laws of attraction. The concept and study of this law, or number of laws according to Bob Proctor is not something new and in fact goes back through the ages, as portrayed in the movie. Some very prominent books, written early in the last century are great reference to the "timeless laws". "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill is one, and Raymond Holiwell's "Working with the Law" is another which have dramatically transformed the lives of many thousands. Some 200 people were interviewed by Napoleon Hill over a 20 year period, as his task was to find the "secret" ways of thinking and living which the most successful people in the country were employing in their daily lives. People such as Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, and Abraham Lincoln to name a few. His findings were startling and very comforting as well in the power they hold. That we each hold magnificent power within us, and only need to be aware of our own connection to certain universal laws, and develop our ability use them for our greatest good, and allowing each to attract that which they truly desire into their lives. Suggesting that creation is our purpose in this physical life, and our birthright, as we are actually an extension of the ultimate power of creation, being the universe, nature, God, Source or however we view this power, here in the physical form. And that this power of creation is pure energy, as us, and a friendly, thinking energy as well which wants to work with us and express itself through our creations. A pretty large order for sure, but contemplate the feeling one gets, thinking of being in partnership with a friendly source of such power, which wants you to succeed, and achieve your heart's desires. A much nicer feeling than it's polar opposite which arises through thought's such as "get you feet on the ground ", or "face reality", "it's just the way it is, and always has been". The Teacher's now, as of old are wanting to show us we can open ourselves to this power, but first we must open our minds to the idea.
Certain people have carried this knowledge with them, and used it to their great advantage and joy, along with much success attracted into their lives, and passed it along to others. The teachers mentioned above have had such mentors along the way, in their lives. They have seeked them out, and learned from them through their desire and questions within themselves.
A very interesting fact regarding this topic is that the deeper the great minds in Quantum Physics and other scientific realms go in their quest for answers, the more scientific evidence arises suggesting and proving in many respects that indeed, everything in this physical and nonphysical universe is ultimately one energy, but in different states, or vibration so to speak. There is also much scientific evidence today validating the premise that we do have the power within ourselves to actually rewire our brains, so to speak, and create new neural pathways within the brain itself. This may seem like an audacious statement to some, as most of us might believe deep down within ourselves that we are stuck with the package we inherited at birth, for better or worse, with regard to our abilities, whether mentally or physically, and further to that circumstances and events of our life, perceived as beyond our control affect us accordingly from that point on. As if fate and circumstance become the primary orchestrator of what we become and what we can achieve in our lives. It may not come as a suprise then that the number of people affected with stress related issues and depression has risen by millions each year and is rapidly approaching coronary disease as the number one medical issue of this century. And for good reason, what could be more depressing and mentally debilliating than the thought that we have absolutely no control over our own lives, and should merely accept and resign ourselves to our fate, inherited genetically perhaps, and then developed constantly through social conditioning towards a deeply ingrained concept of what we believe about ourself. And what we believe we can achieve or have in our lives, beliefs programmed deep within both our concious and subconcious mind.
It is refreshing news for many then that the scientific community is finding validation and physical proof of the concepts of the Teachers in this regard. There has been more money spent on brain research in the last decade than ever before and the results are staggering. Techniques such as MRI, and many others allow real time snapshots of the brain, when research is being accomplished to the above concepts, and prove beyond a doubt the ability of thought to influence events in this physical realm. One famous and documented experiment, involves photographs at the microscopic level of frozen water particles subjected to various thoughts projected towards them. The particles responded to positive thoughts of appreciation by arranging themselves into a beautiful crystal formation, while negative thoughts created a disorganized result with no pattern at all. This is but one of many, very conclusive and controlled experiments which have produced quite clear evidence that thoughts had produced instant and powerful results in the physical world. And overwhelming evidence supporting the ideas the Teachers are wanting to pass along to more of us.
So many more of us in the world today are finding ouselves becoming more aware of this, and becoming greatly interested in what these Teachers are offering. The great part is that the information and the Teachers are readily available and affordable to all of us. A lot of us would think nothing of digging into our wallets for the few dollars it cost's each day to have a coffee at our favorite cafe, and chat with our friends. That could easily amount to $1000 over a year. But a lot of us can't seem to justify $100 for information which could have profound and permanent positive effects in our lives. That's about 25 cents a day for something which could change our life. And most of this material is backed with a full money-back guarantee for any reason whatsoever, and guess what, you can keep often the material. To me, that seems like a heck of a deal, and through experience, have found it to be just that.
In my next post, I'd like to share one program I've really enjoyed, with Bob Proctor, and Mary Morrisey, which I've found to be of fantastic value.


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